Amazon releases the latest email notification! Another policy red line can lead to seller account delisting

Coscline understands that Amazon has released the latest policy stating that starting from December 1st, some types of new and existing product listings in the US, Europe and Japan must include the color name, size name, product description and category name attributes. The value of the product will not be added to the product catalog, the following is the specific email content:

Coscline reminds everyone that in order to ensure that existing listings of affected product types are not affected, sellers need to update their product attributes in a timely manner as required.

Another Amazon red line to pay special attention to

Everyone is familiar with the sales red line that Amazon is more likely to step on the thunder. Recently, Amazon India station encountered complaints from sellers, and another sales red line was exposed.

Amazon has been fined by the Consumer Dispute Resolution Commission (NCDRC) of India for selling products above the MRP (pricing above the maximum retail price).

So far, Amazon has removed tens of thousands of “high-priced items” and suspended the accounts of many sellers suspected of price gouging. Therefore, when sellers sell products on Amazon India, they must ensure that the price of the item is lower than the MRP to avoid the product being removed by Amazon and suffering unnecessary losses.

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